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We are launching the IDEAS IN PROGRESS! We invite you, members of our CARDIS community, to share your Ideas In Progress either related to the action items or other components of our mission of anti-racism efforts that anchor support for our Black peers and community. We are not calling this space “work in progress” because part of what we would like to do is to move beyond the need to identify one specific outcome to act upon but rather to offer a safe space for us to share our struggles and reflect on the process of our actions. In the PDF, we share our goals and vision for these meetings.

Ideas in Progress 110/28/21. Dr. Rachel Tabak presented on frameworks. Padlet here

Ideas in Progress 2 - 02/19/22. Drs. Cara Lewis, Sonja Schoenwald, and Norweeta Milburn talked about editorial boards. Padlet here. WE ARE WRITING A PAPER ON THIS TOPIC TOGETHER. JOIN US!! HERE

Ideas in Progress 305/03/22. We talked about the equity tourism (paper here). Here is the padlet link

Ideas in Progress 4 - 09/29/22 at noon CT We talked about CARDIS Sustainability. Please answer the  in this survey link.  The padlets from this meeting are available below:
           "What groups, from the action items, should we sustain and which ones should be new to our mission?"                  Link here.
           "Which activities could CARDIS do in the upcoming year?" Link here.  
           "What other methodologies and approaches can we learn from to support CARDIS mission?" Link here
           "How can we prioritize and optimize the engagement of Black scholars in shaping CARDIS activities,                        mission?" Link here. 


Ideas in Progress 503-30-2023 at noon CT. CARDIS OT- Transition in Leadership. Register here. 

Ideas in Progress 6 - 04-27-2023 at 3 pm CT- Equity in peer review. The Equity Peer review group will share their outline of the paper and gather feedback from the community. Register here.   

Ideas in Progress 7 - 05-23-2023 at 1 pm CT- Equity frameworks. Callie Walsh-Bailey and Rachel Tabak will present on the follow-up from the Ideas in Progress. Register here. 

Ideas in Progress 8 - 09/21/2023 at 11 am CT- CARDIS Sunset. Register here. 

Workshop about equity and peer review at the 15th Annual D&I Conference - 12/1322. Here is the resource page, including the links for the padlets  for this discussion:
What is the current state of the problem? Link here
How can we define equity in peer review? Link here
What actions or components in peer review processes and structures perpetuate inequities? Link here
How can we foster equity and anti-racism in grant and journal peer review processes? Link here

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